
英语中“arrive to” vs. “arrive in” vs. “arrive at”的区别

由于像“come to”、“move to”和“go to”这样的动词的影响,英语学习者常常倾向于使用“arrive + to”的组合。虽然像“come to me”、“we moved to London”和“are you going to the party?”这样的句子是完全正确的,但动词“arrive”的用法稍有不同。

只有一种情况下“arrive to”是合适的,那就是当“to”表示“in order to”;例如:

The cleaner arrived (in order) to clean the office.

当你想表达到达一个国家城市或一般的地理位置时,使用arrive in,例如:

We will arrive in England at about 5 o'clock.
We will arrive to England at about 5 o'clock.
Call me when you arrive in Paris.
Call me when you arrive to Paris.

在几乎所有其他情况下,你应该使用arrive at

When I arrived at the party, all my friends were already drunk.
When I arrived to the party, all my friends were already drunk.
Will you arrive at the meeting?
Will you arrive to the meeting?

有一些孤立的情况可以使用arrived on(但用“arrive at”也不会出错):

We arrived on/at the island after a long trip.
The spacecraft arrived on/at Mars.
The police arrived too late on/at the scene of crime.



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