

英語の文法では、時間を表す従属節(「after」、「as soon as」、「before」などの表現を含む)で未来形を使うことはできません。時間を表す従属節では現在形を使い、主節では未来形または命令形を使います。例えば:

I will give it to him after he arrives.
I will give it to him after he will arrive.
As soon as you get the email, let me know, please.
As soon as you will get the email, let me know, please.


I'll call you when I come home.
I'll call you when I will come home.


When will you get the results?
When do you get the results?

質問が間接的な場合、状況は少し複雑になります。「when」の後の部分は時間を表す従属節のように見えますが、実際には質問の一部として理解されます。例えば、元の質問が「When will you get the results?」だった場合、次のように尋ねることができます:

Could you tell me when you will get the results?
(詳細は下記参照) Could you tell me when you get the results?



I don't know when he will come.
(詳細は下記参照) I don't know when he comes.


What I don't know is: When will he come?
What I don't know is: At what time does he habitually come?

両方の質問は文法的に正しいですが、最初の質問だけが特定の時間を尋ねています。二つ目の質問の現在形は、日常的に何が起こるのかを尋ねていることを示しています(例えば、毎日や毎週)。質問が現在形なのは、答えも現在形になるからです。例えば、「He usually comes at 5 o'clock.


I will go jogging tomorrow when there are no cars in the streets.
I will go jogging tomorrow, when there will be no cars in the streets.


Tomorrow, at a time when there are no cars, I will go jogging.
There will be no cars in the streets tomorrow, which is why I will go jogging.