
"Compare to" 和 "compare with":英语中的介词使用

一些作者声称,“compare to” 和 “compare with” 基本上意味着相同的东西,但不要相信他们。实际上,动词 compare 有几个不同的含义,其中一些需要介词 “to”,而另一些则需要 “with”:

compare A to B = 将 A 比作 B,即声称 A 和 B 相似


Football experts compare him to the legendary Pelé.

意味着足球专家认为这位足球运动员和贝利之间有很多相似之处(即这位足球运动员 一样优秀 如贝利)。然而,比喻不一定总是积极的:

Stalinism has been compared to Fascism.

这里隐含的意义不仅是斯大林主义类似于法西斯主义,而且斯大林主义 一样糟糕 如法西斯主义。

在上述意义中,仅使用 compare tocompare with 表达了不同的概念:

compare A with B = 比较 A 和 B,即评估 A 和 B 之间的相似性和差异


I compared the performance of my computer with yours, and I must say, your computer is much better than mine.
Investigators compared his fingerprints with those found at the crime scene and found out they didn't match.


I compared the performance of my computer and yours, and your computer turned out to be better.

在“比作”的意义上是不可能的;句子“experts compare him and the legendary Pelé”如果想指出相似性,是没有意义的。

被动语态:Compared to/compared with

然而,当动词在被动语态中使用时,两种变体通常都用于表示比较:compared tocompared with。例如:

My computer is really bad, compared to/compared with yours.
My Facebook page has 6,000 subscribers, compared to/compared with 2,500 it had a year ago.

鉴于上述意义,人们可能会期望只有“compared with”才有意义,但事实是,“compared to”在英语文学中比“compared with”常见多倍。
