
"Compare to" lan "compare with": preposisi ing basa Inggris

Sawetara panganggit ngandharake, yen " compare to " lan " compare with " tegese sakjane padha, nanging aja percaya. Nyatane, tembung kriya compare nduweni sawetara teges sing beda, sing sawetara mbutuhake preposisi " to ", dene liyane mbutuhake " with ":

compare A to B = nyamèkaké A karo B, yaiku ngandharake yen A lan B padha

Tuladhane ukara:

Football experts compare him to the legendary Pelé.

tegese, yen para ahli bal-balan ngandharake yen ana akeh persamaan antarane pemain bal-balan kasebut lan Pelé (yaiku yen pemain bal-balan kasebut padha apiké kaya Pelé). Nanging, nyamèkaké ora mesthi positif:

Stalinism has been compared to Fascism.

Ing kene teges sing diimplikasikake ora mung yen stalinisme padha karo fasisme, nanging uga yen stalinisme iku padha alaé kaya fasisme.

Ing teges sing diterangake ing ndhuwur, mung digunakake compare to. compare with ngandharake konsep sing beda:

compare A with B = mbandhingaké A lan B, yaiku ngukur persamaan lan bedane antarane A lan B


I compared the performance of my computer with yours, and I must say, your computer is much better than mine.
Investigators compared his fingerprints with those found at the crime scene and found out they didn't match.

Nalika " compare " digunakake ing teges iki, bisa nggunakake " and " tinimbang " with ", contone:

I compared the performance of my computer and yours, and your computer turned out to be better.

Ing teges "nyamèkaké" ora bisa; ukara " experts compare him and the legendary Pelé " ora ana tegesé, yen sampeyan pengin nuduhake persamaan.

Pasif: Compared to/compared with

Nanging, nalika tembung kriya digunakake ing pasif, loro varian kasebut umum digunakake kanggo nyatakaké perbandingan: compared to lan compared with. Tuladhane:

My computer is really bad, compared to/compared with yours.
My Facebook page has 6,000 subscribers, compared to/compared with 2,500 it had a year ago.

Kanthi nggatekake teges sing diterangake ing ndhuwur, wong bakal ngarepake yen teges mung bakal ana " compared with ", nanging kasunyatane, " compared to " luwih asring ditemokake ing literatur Inggris tinimbang " compared with ".

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