
7 Hour, honor, honest - the silent "h"

The influence of French on English vocabulary is vast. There is no "h" sound in French, and several English words of French origin keep it silent, too:

hour – pronounced the same as “our” (click on both words and listen to the pronunciations).

h – the letter H itself is typically pronounced just as [eɪtʃ]. Some native speakers started to pronounce H as “heytsch” lately, but others regard such pronunciation as uneducated, so it's better to stick to [eɪtʃ] if you are a non-native speaker.

honor (US), honour (UK) – pay attention to the vowel. Some learners mispronounce this word as if it had [ʌ] (as in "cut") at the beginning.

honest – “hon” is pronounced exactly the same as in the previous word.

heir – a person who inherits something from someone else. It sounds exactly the same as air and ere (meaning “before long”).

vehicle – some speakers of American English pronounce the “h”, but the vast majority keep the “h” silent and consider the pronunciation with an “h” unnatural.

Hannah – it is the last “h” that is silent in this name, not the first one. The same is true for all words of Hebrew origin ending with "ah", e.g. bar mitzvah.

Another class of English words with a silent “h” consists of words beginning with gh-, especially:

ghost – think of the “h” here as not being perceptible, like a ghost.

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ghee – a type of clarified butter originating from India, used in cooking and traditional medicine.

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A guided tour of commonly mispronounced words
Jakub 148d
One little remark: The word “ere” (pronounced like “air”) is not used in modern English. You will only see it in old books.