nom “frame”
singular frame, plural frames
- marc
Registreu-vos per veure les traduccions de les frases d'exemple i les definicions monolingües de cada paraula.
She bought a gold frame to hang her grandmother's portrait in the living room.
- bastiment
We had to replace the door frame after the recent burglary.
- estructura
The frame of the old barn was still standing after the storm.
- hivernacle (per a plantes)
She built a small frame to protect her vegetable seedlings.
- constitució (del cos)
Despite his slender frame, he was surprisingly strong.
- fotograma
The movie displays 24 frames per second to create the illusion of movement.
- context
Let's discuss this problem within the frame of environmental sustainability.
- (bolos) una de les deu divisions d'una partida de bolos, en què el jugador té fins a dos intents per tombar els bitlles.
She bowled a spare in the final frame to win the game.
- (joc de billar) una partida dins d'un partit de billar snooker
He won the first frame with a spectacular shot.
- (computació) una secció d'una pàgina web que es pot desplaçar de manera independent
The website uses frames to display the navigation menu continuously.
- (unitat de dades transmesa per una xarxa)
The network traffic consists of numerous frames sent every second.
verb “frame”
infinitiu frame; ell frames; passat framed; part. pass. framed; ger. framing
- emmarcar
She framed the painting before hanging it on the wall.
- construir les bigues que suporten un edifici
The builders framed the new house in less than a week.
- formular
He framed his question carefully during the meeting.
- posicionar o disposar alguna cosa dins d'un límit visual
The photographer framed the subject against the city skyline.
- acusar falsament algú d'un delicte; incriminar.
The innocent man was framed by his enemies.
- (colpejar) la pilota amb el marc de la raqueta en comptes de les cordes
She lost the point after she framed the ball into the net.