
frame (EN)
substantiivi, verbi

substantiivi “frame”

yksikkö frame, monikko frames
  1. kehys
    She bought a gold frame to hang her grandmother's portrait in the living room.
  2. karmit
    We had to replace the door frame after the recent burglary.
  3. runko
    The frame of the old barn was still standing after the storm.
  4. kasvihuone (puutarhassa)
    She built a small frame to protect her vegetable seedlings.
  5. vartalo
    Despite his slender frame, he was surprisingly strong.
  6. ruutu
    The movie displays 24 frames per second to create the illusion of movement.
  7. kehys (konteksti)
    Let's discuss this problem within the frame of environmental sustainability.
  8. (bowling) yksi kymmenestä keilailupelin osasta, jossa pelaajalla on enintään kaksi yritystä kaataa keilat.
    She bowled a spare in the final frame to win the game.
  9. (snooker) yksittäinen peli snooker-ottelussa
    He won the first frame with a spectacular shot.
  10. (laiteohjelmointi) itsenäisesti vieritettävä osio verkkosivusta
    The website uses frames to display the navigation menu continuously.
  11. (tietotekniikka) yksikkö dataa, joka lähetetään verkon kautta
    The network traffic consists of numerous frames sent every second.

verbi “frame”

infinitiivi frame; hän frames; imperfekti framed; part. perf. framed; ger. framing
  1. kehystää
    She framed the painting before hanging it on the wall.
  2. rakentaa rakennusta tukevat palkit
    The builders framed the new house in less than a week.
  3. muotoilla
    He framed his question carefully during the meeting.
  4. sijoittaa tai järjestää jokin visuaalisen rajan sisälle
    The photographer framed the subject against the city skyline.
  5. Lavastaa joku syylliseksi rikokseen.
    The innocent man was framed by his enemies.
  6. osua palloon mailan kehyksellä sen sijaan, että osuisi jänteisiin
    She lost the point after she framed the ball into the net.