
to (EN)
kiambishi, kihusishi

kiambishi “to”

  1. inaashiria kitenzi kinachofuata kuwa kitenzi kisicho na kauli
    She decided to study abroad for a year.
  2. inaashiria kitenzi kisicho na mwisho ambacho kinatafsirika kutokana na muktadha
    "Will you go there?" "Oh yes, I am planning to."
  3. inaonyesha kuwa mtu anatarajiwa au anapaswa kufanya jambo fulani
    The children are to be home by 9 PM.
  4. kwa
    He saved money to buy a new bicycle.

kihusishi “to”

  1. inaonyesha kikomo
    Let's head to the beach this weekend.
  2. inatambua nani anapokea kitu au anaathiriwa na kitendo
    Please pass the salt to your sister.
  3. kuwa
    The apple was cut to pieces.
  4. inaelezea hisia au hisi inayosababishwa na kitu fulani
    To her immense joy, the lost puppy found its way home.
  5. huunganisha kivumishi na mtu au kitu kinachoelezewa
    Be nice to your brother. Why are you so mean to me?
  6. hadi (inatumika kuonyesha mipaka ya wigo, kama "kutoka ... hadi ...")
    The store is open from 9 AM to 6 PM.
  7. inaonyesha uwiano
    The ratio of students to teachers is 20 to 1.
  8. (nguvu ya)
    Two to the power of three equals eight.
  9. inaonyesha muda uliobaki kabla ya saa inayofuata
    I'll meet you at quarter to five.
  10. inaelezea maudhui ya kitu au ugumu uliopo katika kitu
    There's more to this story than meets the eye.
  11. kwa
    It seems that everything went to plan.