to (EN)

词素 “to”

  1. 将后面的动词标记为不定式
    She decided to study abroad for a year.
  2. 标志一个从上下文中能理解的不定式
    "Will you go there?" "Oh yes, I am planning to."
  3. 表明某人应该或被期望做某事
    The children are to be home by 9 PM.
  4. 为了
    He saved money to buy a new bicycle.

介词 “to”

  1. 表示一个目的地
    Let's head to the beach this weekend.
  2. 确定谁接受某物或受某个行为影响
    Please pass the salt to your sister.
  3. 成为
    The apple was cut to pieces.
  4. 描述由某事引起的感觉或情绪。
    To her immense joy, the lost puppy found its way home.
  5. 将形容词与其所描述的人或物联系起来。
    Be nice to your brother. Why are you so mean to me?
  6. 至,用于表示范围,如“从……至……”。
    The store is open from 9 AM to 6 PM.
  7. 表示一个比例
    The ratio of students to teachers is 20 to 1.
  8. 的次方
    Two to the power of three equals eight.
  9. 显示距离下一个小时还有多少时间
    I'll meet you at quarter to five.
  10. 解释某事的内容或某事的难点。
    There's more to this story than meets the eye.
  11. 按照
    It seems that everything went to plan.