
block (EN)
ot, feʼl

ot “block”

birlik block, koʻplik blocks
  1. blok
    The kids played with colorful wooden blocks.
  2. Kvartal (shaharda toʻrt tomondan koʻchalar bilan oʻralgan hudud)
    They live just two blocks away from the supermarket.
  3. Blok (katta bino, kichik birliklarga bo'lingan, masalan, kvartiralar yoki ofislar)
    She works in an office block downtown.
  4. toʻsiq
    There was a block on the road due to the fallen tree.
  5. blok (raqib yoki to'pning harakatini to'xtatish uchun sportda qo'llaniladigan harakat)
    His block prevented the opposing team from scoring.
  6. Toʻsiq (aniq fikrlash yoki nimanidir eslashda vaqtinchalik qobiliyatsizlik)
    She had a total block during the exam.
  7. blok (kompyuterda, ma'lumotlarni saqlash yoki qayta ishlash birligi)
    The file is divided into several blocks for efficient access.
  8. blok (kompyuter sohasida, onlayn hisob yoki xizmatga kirishni cheklovchi to'siq)
    The user received a block for violating the rules.
  9. blok (dasturlash, kodning bir butun sifatida qaraladigan qismi)
    The function consists of multiple blocks.

feʼl “block”

infinitive block; u blocks; oʻtgan zamon blocked; oʻtgan zamon part. blocked; ger. blocking
  1. toʻsmoq
    The fallen tree blocked the road for hours.
  2. toʻxtatmoq (oldini olish)
    He blocked us so that we couldn't enter.
  3. oldini olmoq
    The new regulation may block the merger.
  4. Toʻsmoq (raqibning harakatini sportda toʻxtatish yoki yoʻnaltirish)
    The defender blocked the shot at the last second.
  5. bloklash (kimnidir siz bilan bogʻlanishiga yoki kontentingizga kirishiga toʻsqinlik qilish)
    She blocked him on her phone after the disagreement.
  6. Blokirovka qilish (aktyorlarning spektakl yoki filmda harakatlari va pozitsiyalarini rejalashtirish)
    The director blocked the scene before rehearsals.
  7. chizmoq (qoralama)
    He blocked out the painting before adding colors.
  8. Bloklash (kompyuterda, ma'lum bir shart bajarilmaguncha kutish)
    The program blocks until the user inputs a command.