bɑːks US bɒks UK

box (EN)
substantiv, verb

substantiv “box”

singular box, plural boxes
  1. cutie
    She kept her jewelry in a small wooden box on her dresser.
  2. lojă
    They enjoyed the play from a private box overlooking the stage.
  3. cutie poștală
    She dropped the letter into the post box on the corner before heading to work.
  4. un spațiu închis folosit pentru un scop anume
    The witness stepped into the witness box to give her testimony.
  5. o casetă de selectare
    Please tick the boxes next to the correct answers on the test.
  6. unitate centrală (de calculator)
    He built his own custom box to run high-end graphic applications.
  7. televizor
    After dinner, they settled down in front of the box to watch a movie.
  8. apărătoare (în cricket, un protector dur pentru organele genitale purtat în interiorul lenjeriei de corp de către batsmen și jucătorii de câmp apropiați)
    The cricketer never forgets to wear his box before going out to bat.
  9. careu (în fotbal, suprafața de pedeapsă)
    The defender cleared the ball out of the box to prevent a goal.
  10. cimișir
    The gardener trimmed the box into decorative shapes along the pathway.

verb “box”

infinitiv box; el boxes; trecut boxed; part. trecut boxed; ger. boxing
  1. a împacheta
    She carefully boxed up all her belongings before moving to a new city.
  2. Boxa (a lupta împotriva unei persoane într-un meci de box)
    He boxed the reigning champion and managed to win in the final round.
  3. Boxa (a lupta cu pumnii, în special ca sport)
    She has been boxing since she was a teenager and dreams of going pro.
  4. a lovi (cu pumnul)
    He boxed the punching bag vigorously during his workout.
  5. (de obicei urmat de „în”) a înconjura și a închide pentru a restricționa mișcarea
    The defender boxed in the forward, making it impossible for him to score.
  6. (în arhitectură) a închide ceva, cum ar fi conductele, într-o carcasă
    They boxed in the exposed beams to give the ceiling a smoother look.