ot “envelope”
birlik envelope, koʻplik envelopes
- konvert
Roʻyxatdan oʻting misol jumlalarining tarjimalarini va har bir soʻzning bir tilli taʼriflarini koʻrish uchun.
She wrote a letter to her friend, placed it in an envelope, and mailed it the next day.
- Biror narsani oʻrab yoki qoplab turadigan qatlam yoki qoplama.
The spacecraft heated up as it passed through the envelope of Earth's atmosphere during re-entry.
- Havo kemasi yoki havo shari gazni saqlaydigan shar shaklidagi qismi.
They carefully folded the hot air balloon's envelope after landing.
- (muhandislik) tizim yoki qurilmaning imkoniyatlari yoki ishlash chegaralari doirasi
The new engine design extends the performance envelope of the car, allowing it to reach higher speeds safely.
- (elektronika) signalning amplitudasi vaqt o'tishi bilan qanday o'zgarishini ko'rsatadigan egri chiziq
The engineer studied the signal's envelope on the oscilloscope to diagnose the issue.
- (musiqa) tovushning balandligi yoki ohangining vaqt o'tishi bilan boshlanishidan to tugashigacha qanday o'zgarishi.
The musician adjusted the envelope of the synthesizer, altering how each note began and faded away.
- (mathematika) egri chiziqlar yoki sirtlar oilasining har biriga teginuvchi egri chiziq yoki sirt.
In calculus class, they learned how to find the envelope of a set of lines, which represents their common tangents.
- (biologiya) organ, hujayra yoki virusni o'rab turuvchi membrana yoki qatlam.
The virus's outer envelope allows it to attach to and enter host cells.
- (Astronomiya) yulduz yoki kometani oʻrab olgan gaz buluti.
The comet's bright envelope became visible through the telescope as it approached the sun.
- (kompyuter texnologiyalari) xabarga qo'shiladigan, uning yetkazilishiga yordam beradigan, lekin xabarning o'zi bo'lmagan ma'lumotlar.
The email server reads the envelope of the message to determine where to deliver it.