North (EN)
o'ziga xos nom

Bu soʻz quyidagilarning shakli ham boʻlishi mumkin:
north (ot, sifat, ravish)

o'ziga xos nom “North”

  1. Shimol (Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlarining ma'lum shtatlari)
    During the Civil War, the North fought against the South to end slavery.
  2. Shimol (Amerika fuqarolar urushida janubiy shtatlarga qarshi kurashgan shtatlar guruhi)
    During the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln was the president leading the North against the Confederacy.
  3. Shimol (Angliyaning shimoliy qismidagi madaniy jihatdan farqli hudud)
    She developed a fondness for the warm hospitality she experienced while visiting the North.
  4. Shimoliy Irlandiya
    After visiting Dublin, we drove up to the North to see the Giant's Causeway.
  5. Shimoliy Koreya
    Kim Jong-un is the leader of North Korea.
  6. familiya
    Mrs. North volunteered to organize the annual community book sale.
  7. joy nomi
    Alice moved to North, South Carolina.