samostalnik “envelope”
ednina envelope, množina envelopes
- kuverta
Prijavite se za ogled prevodov primerov stavkov in enojezičnih definicij vsake besede.
She wrote a letter to her friend, placed it in an envelope, and mailed it the next day.
- plast ali prekrivka, ki obdaja ali zapira nekaj
The spacecraft heated up as it passed through the envelope of Earth's atmosphere during re-entry.
- balonasti del zračnega plovila ali toplozračnega balona, ki vsebuje plin
They carefully folded the hot air balloon's envelope after landing.
- (obseg zmogljivosti ali mejne zmogljivosti sistema ali naprave)
The new engine design extends the performance envelope of the car, allowing it to reach higher speeds safely.
- (elektronika) krivulja, ki prikazuje, kako se amplituda signala spreminja skozi čas
The engineer studied the signal's envelope on the oscilloscope to diagnose the issue.
- (glasba) način, kako se glasnost ali ton zvoka spreminja skozi čas od začetka do konca.
The musician adjusted the envelope of the synthesizer, altering how each note began and faded away.
- (matematika) krivulja ali ploskev, ki je tangenta na vsako izmed družine krivulj ali ploskev
In calculus class, they learned how to find the envelope of a set of lines, which represents their common tangents.
- (biologija) membrana ali plast, ki obdaja organ, celico ali virus
The virus's outer envelope allows it to attach to and enter host cells.
- (astronomija) oblak plina, ki obdaja zvezdo ali komet
The comet's bright envelope became visible through the telescope as it approached the sun.
- (računalništvo) informacije, dodane sporočilu, ki pomagajo pri njegovi dostavi, vendar niso del samega sporočila
The email server reads the envelope of the message to determine where to deliver it.