
card (EN)
lietvārds, darbības vārds

lietvārds “card”

vienskaitlis card, daudzskaitlis cards vai neizsakāms
  1. kārts
    He dealt each player five cards for the poker game.
  2. karte (identifikācijas)
    You need to show your card to enter the building.
  3. karte (kredīta vai debeta)
    She prefers to pay with her card instead of cash.
  4. kartīte (apsveikuma)
    I received a birthday card from my aunt.
  5. vizītkarte
    The salesman gave me his card after our meeting.
  6. jokdaris
    Your uncle is such a card; he always tells the best stories.
  7. karte (datora)
    He installed a new graphics card to improve his gaming performance.
  8. pasākumu vai izpildītāju saraksts, īpaši sportā vai izklaidē
    Tonight's boxing card features several exciting fights.
  9. karte (datorikā, viena no vairākām lapām vai formām, starp kurām lietotājs var pārvietoties lietotāja saskarnē)
    Fill in each card with your personal information.
  10. darbība vai taktika, ko izmanto, lai iegūtu priekšrocību (parasti frāzē "play the X card")
    She played the sympathy card to get out of trouble.

darbības vārds “card”

infinitīvs card; viņš cards; pag. carded; pag. divd. carded; ģer. carding
  1. pārbaudīt dokumentus
    The bartender had to card everyone who looked under 30.
  2. parādīt kartīti (dzelteno vai sarkano)
    The player was carded immediately after the foul.
  3. (golfā) ierakstīt rezultātu rezultātu kartītē
    She carded a 72 in the final round of the tournament.
  4. ķemmēt šķiedras, lai sagatavotu tās vērpšanai
    They carded the cotton before turning it into fabric.