
card (EN)
Selfstandige naamwoord, werkwoord

Selfstandige naamwoord “card”

enkelvoud card, meervoud cards of ontelbaar
  1. kaart
    He dealt each player five cards for the poker game.
  2. kaart (identifikasie)
    You need to show your card to enter the building.
  3. kaart (betaling)
    She prefers to pay with her card instead of cash.
  4. kaart (groet)
    I received a birthday card from my aunt.
  5. kaart (besigheid)
    The salesman gave me his card after our meeting.
  6. karakter
    Your uncle is such a card; he always tells the best stories.
  7. kaart (rekenaar)
    He installed a new graphics card to improve his gaming performance.
  8. 'n Skedule van gebeure of kunstenaars, veral in sport of vermaak.
    Tonight's boxing card features several exciting fights.
  9. kaart (in rekenaarkunde, een van verskeie bladsye of vorms waar tussen die gebruiker kan navigeer in 'n gebruikerskoppelvlak)
    Fill in each card with your personal information.
  10. 'n Aksie of taktiek wat gebruik word om 'n voordeel te verkry (gewoonlik in die frase "play the X card").
    She played the sympathy card to get out of trouble.

werkwoord “card”

infinitief card; hy cards; verlede tyd carded; verlede deelw. carded; ger. carding
  1. kaart (identifikasie nagaan)
    The bartender had to card everyone who looked under 30.
  2. kaart (sport)
    The player was carded immediately after the foul.
  3. (in gholf) om 'n telling op 'n tellingkaart aan te teken
    She carded a 72 in the final round of the tournament.
  4. om vesels te kam om hulle voor te berei vir spin
    They carded the cotton before turning it into fabric.