samostalnik “card”
ednina card, množina cards ali neštevno
- karta
Prijavite se za ogled prevodov primerov stavkov in enojezičnih definicij vsake besede.
He dealt each player five cards for the poker game.
- izkaznica
You need to show your card to enter the building.
- kartica (bančna)
She prefers to pay with her card instead of cash.
- voščilnica
I received a birthday card from my aunt.
- vizitka
The salesman gave me his card after our meeting.
- šaljivec
Your uncle is such a card; he always tells the best stories.
- kartica (računalniška)
He installed a new graphics card to improve his gaming performance.
- razpored dogodkov ali nastopajočih, zlasti v športu ali zabavi
Tonight's boxing card features several exciting fights.
- kartica (v računalništvu, ena od več strani ali obrazcev, med katerimi lahko uporabnik krmari v uporabniškem vmesniku)
Fill in each card with your personal information.
- dejanje ali taktika, ki se uporablja za pridobitev prednosti (običajno v frazi "play the X card")
She played the sympathy card to get out of trouble.
glagol “card”
nedoločnik card; on cards; preteklik carded; deležnik preteklik carded; gerundij carding
- preveriti osebni dokument
The bartender had to card everyone who looked under 30.
- pokazati karton
The player was carded immediately after the foul.
- (v golfu) zapisati rezultat na rezultatno kartico
She carded a 72 in the final round of the tournament.
- česati vlakna, da jih pripravimo za predenje
They carded the cotton before turning it into fabric.