pʰɛr US pʰɛə UK

pair (EN)
substantiv, verb

substantiv “pair”

entall pair, flertall pairs
  1. par
    He bought a new pair of gloves because his old ones were worn out.
  2. et objekt laget av to sammenkoblede lignende deler (slik som bukser eller saks)
    She used a pair of scissors to cut the wrapping paper.
  3. par (to personer)
    The pair danced gracefully across the stage during the performance.
  4. et sett med to kort av samme rang i kortspill
    He won the poker hand with a pair of jacks.
  5. en av to matchende gjenstander
    I found one earring but couldn't locate its pair.
  6. en avtale mellom medlemmer av motstridende sider om å ikke stemme på en bestemt sak
    The senators arranged a pair due to overlapping commitments.
  7. (i cricket) en poengsum på null løp i begge omgangene av en kamp
    The batsman was disappointed to score a pair in his first test match.
  8. (slang) en manns testikler
    You need a real pair to attempt skydiving without an instructor.
  9. (slang) en kvinnes bryster
    The dress accentuated her pair beautifully.

verb “pair”

infinitiv pair; han pairs; preteritum paired; perfektum part. paired; ger. pairing
  1. pare
    The teacher paired the students for the group project to encourage collaboration.
  2. passe sammen
    The bold flavors of the dish pair wonderfully with a light white wine.
  3. å koble to elektroniske enheter trådløst
    He paired his wireless earbuds with his phone to listen to music during his jog.
  4. pare seg
    The birds pair during the spring season to raise their young.
  5. pare (for avl)
    The biologist paired the endangered tigers in hopes of conservation.
  6. (i politikken) å bli enig med noen fra en motstående side om å ikke stemme i en bestemt sak
    The politicians paired so that both could attend important family events without affecting the vote outcome.