ɡoʊst US ɡəʊst UK

ghost (EN)
nom, verb

nom “ghost”

singular ghost, plural ghosts o invariable
  1. fantasma
    At night, the children claimed they saw the ghost of a pirate wandering the beach.
  2. rastre
    She felt a ghost of doubt as she signed the contract.
  3. imatge fantasma
    The old TV had a ghost of the main picture, making it hard to watch the show.
  4. una persona que escriu llibres, articles o altres textos per a algú altre que és acreditat com a autor
    The famous author hired a ghost to write her autobiography.
  5. persona fantasma (sense registres oficials)
    The man was a ghost, with no birth certificate, no social security number, and no trace in any database.
  6. en els videojocs, un personatge que copia els moviments exactes fets per un jugador en una partida anterior
    In the racing game, I tried to beat my ghost from the last race, but it was too fast.

verb “ghost”

infinitiu ghost; ell ghosts; passat ghosted; part. pass. ghosted; ger. ghosting
  1. escriure material per a una altra persona que és oficialment acreditada com a escriptor
    She was hired to ghost the celebrity's autobiography, ensuring it sounded like it was written in his own voice.
  2. deixar de respondre (en comunicació digital)
    After our last date, he completely ghosted me and never replied to my messages.
  3. lliscar
    The old sailboat ghosted silently across the calm sea, its sails barely fluttering.