ghost (EN)
ном маъноӣ، феъл

ном маъноӣ “ghost”

sg. ghost, pl. ghosts or uncountable
  1. арвоҳ
    At night, the children claimed they saw the ghost of a pirate wandering the beach.
  2. соя (нишона)
    She felt a ghost of doubt as she signed the contract.
  3. тасвири норавшан (дар телевизор)
    The old TV had a ghost of the main picture, making it hard to watch the show.
  4. шахсе, ки барои каси дигар китобҳо, мақолаҳо ё матнҳои дигарро менависад ва он шахс ҳамчун муаллиф эътироф мешавад
    The famous author hired a ghost to write her autobiography.
  5. шахси номаълум (бе ҳуҷҷатҳо)
    The man was a ghost, with no birth certificate, no social security number, and no trace in any database.
  6. дар бозиҳои видеоӣ, қаҳрамоне, ки ҳаракатҳои дақиқи бозингарро дар бозии қаблӣ нусхабардорӣ мекунад
    In the racing game, I tried to beat my ghost from the last race, but it was too fast.

феъл “ghost”

ghost; he ghosts; past ghosted, part. ghosted; ger. ghosting
  1. навиштани мавод барои шахси дигаре, ки расман ҳамчун нависанда эътироф шудааст
    She was hired to ghost the celebrity's autobiography, ensuring it sounded like it was written in his own voice.
  2. қатъ кардани иртибот (бе огоҳӣ)
    After our last date, he completely ghosted me and never replied to my messages.
  3. ҳаракат кардан оромона (мисли шино)
    The old sailboat ghosted silently across the calm sea, its sails barely fluttering.