kata benda “ghost”
tunggal ghost, jamak ghosts utawa ora bisa diitung
- lelembut
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
At night, the children claimed they saw the ghost of a pirate wandering the beach.
- bayangan tipis
She felt a ghost of doubt as she signed the contract.
- gambar dobel (ing TV)
The old TV had a ghost of the main picture, making it hard to watch the show.
- wong sing nulis buku, artikel, utawa teks liyane kanggo wong liya sing dijenengi minangka panganggit
The famous author hired a ghost to write her autobiography.
- wong tanpa identitas
The man was a ghost, with no birth certificate, no social security number, and no trace in any database.
- ing video game, karakter sing niru gerakan persis sing digawe pemain ing game sadurunge
In the racing game, I tried to beat my ghost from the last race, but it was too fast.
cêkapan “ghost”
infinitif ghost; dhèwèké ghosts; lampau ghosted; part. lampau ghosted; ger. ghosting
- nulis bahan kanggo wong liya sing resmi diakoni minangka penulis
She was hired to ghost the celebrity's autobiography, ensuring it sounded like it was written in his own voice.
- ngilang
After our last date, he completely ghosted me and never replied to my messages.
- mlipir (kaya ngambang)
The old sailboat ghosted silently across the calm sea, its sails barely fluttering.