
what (EN)
olmosh, aniqlik bildiruvchi, ортиқча гап

olmosh “what”

  1. nima
    What did you have for breakfast this morning?
  2. nima boʻlsa (bogʻlovchi sifatida ishlatilganda)
    I know what you did.
  3. nima boʻlganda ham
    Take what you need from the fridge.

aniqlik bildiruvchi “what”

  1. qaysi (bir yoki bir nechta imkoniyatlardan soʻrashda ishlatilganda)
    What kind of music do you like?
  2. aynan qaysi (aniq narsalarni belgilashda ishlatilganda)
    She couldn't decide what dress to wear to the party.
  3. har qanday (ma'lum bir turdagi narsalarga ishora qilishda)
    She gave away what little money she had to help the homeless.
  4. qanchalik (narsaning darajasini yoki darajatini ta'kidlashda)
    She showed me what an incredible singer she is with her stunning performance.

ортиқча гап “what”

  1. nima qilmoqchisan (maqsad yoki istakni soʻrashda, ba'zan dushmanona ohangda)
    What? I don't have time right now.
  2. nima deyapsiz (aytilgan gapni takrorlash yoki tushuntirishni soʻrashda)
    — I think I left my keys in the, uh, thingamajig over there., — What? Can you be more specific?
  3. voy nima (hayrat yoki ishonchsizlik bildirishda)
    What? You won the lottery?
  4. nima edi (taxmin qilishda, yaqinlashishda yoki eslashga urinishda)
    He's been working there for, what, ten years now?