deep (EN)
pridjev, prilog, imenica

pridjev “deep”

deep, deeper, deepest
  1. dubok
    The hole they dug in the backyard was so deep, you couldn't see the bottom. The forest was so deep that it took hours to reach the other side.
  2. proteže se do zadane dubine
    After the heavy snowfall, the streets were knee-deep in snow.
  3. poredano u određenom broju redova ili slojeva
    The audience stood five deep, straining to catch a glimpse of the celebrity.
  4. dubok (kao u velikom volumenu daha ili uzdaha)
    She took a deep breath and did what was necessary.
  5. dubok (u smislu složenosti ili dubine misli ili rasprave)
    The philosopher's writings are too deep for me to understand fully.
  6. zasićena (boja)
    The deep red of the sunset bathed the landscape in a warm glow.
  7. dubok (za san koji je čvrst i teško ga je omesti)
    After the long hike, she fell into a deep, restorative slumber.
  8. dubok (za nizak ton zvuka)
    His deep baritone voice echoed through the hall.
  9. dublji (u anatomiji se često koristi komparativ kako bi se opisala struktura koja je smještena dalje unutar tijela u odnosu na neku drugu strukturu)
    The transversus abdominis muscle is located deep to the rectus abdominis.
  10. dubok (pozicioniran daleko od središta igrališta, blizu granice)
    The batsman hit the ball towards the deep fine leg.
  11. dubok (u smislu dugog napredovanja u sportskoj igri)
    The striker made a deep run into the opposition's half.
  12. dubok (pozicioniran prema vlastitom golu ili osnovnoj liniji u sportu)
    The goalkeeper positioned himself deep in the box to anticipate the corner kick.

prilog “deep”

  1. duboko
    The treasure was buried deep within the forest.
  2. duboko (na način koji nije površan)
    The book made me think deep about the meaning of life.
  3. duboko (kao u velikom volumenu daha ili uzdaha)
    After the race, he had to stop and breathe deep to recover.
  4. duboko (pozicioniran prema vlastitom golu ili osnovnoj liniji u sportskoj igri)
    The coach told the player to hang back and play deep to defend the lead.

imenica “deep”

sg. deep, pl. deeps or uncountable
  1. dubina
    The submarine descended into the deep to observe the marine life.
  2. dubina (pozicija u kriketu blizu granice)
    The captain placed a fielder in the deep to catch the high balls.