
off (EN)
atviksorð, lýsingarorð, forsetning, Nafnorð

atviksorð “off”

  1. burt (í merkingunni að fara í burtu eða yfirgefa)
    She got on her bike and rode off.
  2. af (til að fara í ástand þar sem ekki er í gangi eða virkar ekki)
    Please turn off the lights when you leave.
  3. af (til að fjarlægja eða aðskilja)
    He cut off a piece of rope.
  4. út
    The actor waited off until his cue.

lýsingarorð “off”

grunnform off (more/most)
  1. slökkt
    All the machines are off.
  2. aflýst
    The wedding is off.
  3. ekki rétt eða nokkuð skrýtið
    There's something off about this meal.
  4. afsláttur
    All items are 30% off this weekend.
  5. slappur
    I'm feeling a bit off today.
  6. skemmd
    This milk smells off.
  7. ekki til
    The fish is off today; may I suggest the chicken?

forsetning “off”

  1. burt frá eða niður frá stað eða stöðu
    She fell off the horse.
  2. af
    Please take your feet off the table.
  3. nálægt
    The café is just off the main square.
  4. í fjarlægð frá, sérstaklega á sjó
    The island lies off the coast of Spain.
  5. án
    It's great that he's finally off drugs.
  6. frá
    I bought this watch off a friend.

Nafnorð “off”

eintala off, óteljanlegt
  1. byrjun
    She knew he was lying right from the off.