on (EN)
מילת יחס, תואר, תואר הפועל

מילת יחס “on”

on, upon
  1. על
    The cat is sleeping on the warm hood of the car.
  2. מחובר ל
    There is a painting on the wall.
  3. מוטל על (במובן מעצם או נפשי)
    The blame for the mistake fell squarely on her shoulders.
  4. במגע עם
    She drew a heart on the foggy window with her finger.
  5. באזור
    The grocery store is on Maple Street.
  6. ליד
    The boat is on the coast.
  7. נשען על
    The cat slept on its back in the warm sunlight.
  8. מפעיל כוח על
    Pull on the door handle to open it.
  9. מתנגש ב
    I bumped my head on the low doorway as I entered the room.
  10. מכסה
    She placed a warm hat on her head before stepping outside.
  11. בתוך (כלי תחבורה)
    She was on the train reading a book when the announcement came through.
  12. בתאריך
    The meeting is scheduled on March 15th.
  13. במהלך היום
    We're having a picnic on Saturday.
  14. עוסק בנושא של
    She attended a lecture on quantum physics.
  15. ברשות
    Sorry, I can't lend you a pen; I don't have one on me right now.
  16. בגין (בהנחה שלא אומתה כאמיתית)
    The teacher called her parents on the assumption that she had cheated on the test.
  17. על חשבון
    Lunch is on the company today, so order whatever you like!
  18. באמצעות
    She listened to her favorite song on the radio.
  19. מופנה אל
    The joke had no effect on him; he didn't even smile.
  20. מתקיים מ
    She managed to get by on her small pension.
  21. עסוק ב
    She's on a call right now, can I take a message?
  22. לוקח תרופה באופן קבוע
    He's been on painkillers since the surgery last month.
  23. תחת השפעת תרופה
    She couldn't focus at work because she was on strong painkillers after her surgery.
  24. כפולות על כפולות (לדוגמה)
    She piled books on books on her desk until it towered dangerously high.
  25. תלוי ב
    She relied on her GPS to find the way.
  26. חבר ב
    She's on the school board, so she attends all the meetings.
  27. נשבע בשם (לדוגמה: על חיי, בשם ה')
    "On my mother's grave, I didn't take your phone."
  28. מול (בהקשר של מספר מתחרים או לוחמים)
    In the soccer match, it was ten on eleven after one player received a red card.

תואר “on”

on, non-gradable
  1. דולק
    The air conditioning is on; I can feel the cool breeze.
  2. מתקיים
    Is the meeting still on?
  3. על (כמו ב"החולצה עליו")
    As soon as the helmet was on, the cyclist felt ready to hit the road.
  4. על הבסיס
    The pitcher looked nervous with runners on second and third, knowing any hit could send them home.
  5. על הצד של (כמו ב"הכדור על הצד של הרגליים של התוקף")
    The bowler aimed for the on side, hoping to exploit the batsman's weakness there.

תואר הפועל “on”

  1. הלאה
    She kept talking on about her vacation plans, her new recipes, her garden, and her cats.
  2. דלוק
    Please switch the lights on when you enter the room.
  3. על
    He put his hat on and stepped out into the sun.
  4. ממשיך
    Keep on walking until you reach the end of the path.
  5. פחות מ- (כאשר מדובר בהימורים, לדוגמה "פחות מאחד לאחד")
    The boxer was ten-to-one on to win the match, indicating he was heavily favored by the bookmakers.