предлог “on”
- на
Регистрирајте се за да ги видите преводите на пример речениците и еднојазичните дефиниции на секој збор.
The cat is sleeping on the warm hood of the car.
- прикачен на
There is a painting on the wall.
- со товар (со значење на товар или обврска)
The blame for the mistake fell squarely on her shoulders.
- со допир (со површината на нешто)
She drew a heart on the foggy window with her finger.
- во
The grocery store is on Maple Street.
- покрај
The boat is on the coast.
- потпиран од (одреден дел од себе)
The cat slept on its back in the warm sunlight.
- со сила на
Pull on the door handle to open it.
- удирајќи во
I bumped my head on the low doorway as I entered the room.
- покрива
She placed a warm hat on her head before stepping outside.
- во (во превозно средство)
She was on the train reading a book when the announcement came through.
- на (датумот на)
The meeting is scheduled on March 15th.
- во текот на (денот)
We're having a picnic on Saturday.
- за (темата на)
She attended a lecture on quantum physics.
- кај (во посед на)
Sorry, I can't lend you a pen; I don't have one on me right now.
- поради
The teacher called her parents on the assumption that she had cheated on the test.
- платено од
Lunch is on the company today, so order whatever you like!
- преку (средство или медиум)
She listened to her favorite song on the radio.
- насочено кон
The joke had no effect on him; he didn't even smile.
- од (средство за преживување)
She managed to get by on her small pension.
- зафатен со
She's on a call right now, can I take a message?
- на (редовно зема лек или дрога)
He's been on painkillers since the surgery last month.
- под дејство на
She couldn't focus at work because she was on strong painkillers after her surgery.
- по (појава во серија)
She piled books on books on her desk until it towered dangerously high.
- зависен од
She relied on her GPS to find the way.
- член на
She's on the school board, so she attends all the meetings.
- заколнувајќи се на
"On my mother's grave, I didn't take your phone."
- против (особено кога се наведува бројот на учесници или противници)
In the soccer match, it was ten on eleven after one player received a red card.
придавка “on”
основна форма on, некласифицирачки
- вклучен
The air conditioning is on; I can feel the cool breeze.
- по распоред
- облечен
As soon as the helmet was on, the cyclist felt ready to hit the road.
- на база (во бејзбол)
The pitcher looked nervous with runners on second and third, knowing any hit could send them home.
- на страната на нозете (во крикет)
The bowler aimed for the on side, hoping to exploit the batsman's weakness there.
прилог “on”
- натаму
She kept talking on about her vacation plans, her new recipes, her garden, and her cats.
- вклучено
Please switch the lights on when you enter the room.
- врз
He put his hat on and stepped out into the sun.
- продолжувајќи
Keep on walking until you reach the end of the path.
- во корист на (објаснение: се користи кога шансите за добивка се поголеми од шансите за губење)
The boxer was ten-to-one on to win the match, indicating he was heavily favored by the bookmakers.