feʼl “render”
infinitive render; u renders; oʻtgan zamon rendered; oʻtgan zamon part. rendered; ger. rendering
- qilmoq (biror narsa yoki kishini ma'lum bir holatga keltirmoq)
Roʻyxatdan oʻting misol jumlalarining tarjimalarini va har bir soʻzning bir tilli taʼriflarini koʻrish uchun.
The accident rendered him immobile.
- ijro etmoq (biror narsaning talqinini yoki taqdimotini amalga oshirmoq)
The actor rendered the character with great emotional depth.
- tarjima qilmoq (matn yoki nutqni boshqa tilga oʻgirish)
The student rendered the French poem into English for her class.
- eʼlon qilmoq (qaror yoki hukmni rasman eʼlon qilish)
The jury took hours to render a decision on the case.
- toʻlov qilmoq (pul yoki qarzdorlikni qaytarish)
The company was required to render payment for the damages caused.
- taqdim etmoq (biror narsani yoki xizmatni taklif qilish)
The stranded hiker was grateful when the rescue team arrived to render assistance.
- vizuallashtirmoq (raqamli modelni vizual tasvir yoki animatsiyaga aylantirish)
The designer spent hours rendering the 3D model for the presentation.
- maxfiy topshirmoq (bir kishini yuridik jarayonsiz boshqa mamlakatga topshirish)
The spy was rendered to his home country for trial.
- qayta ishlamoq (hayvon chiqindilarini foydali materiallarga aylantirish)
The facility specializes in rendering animal byproducts for industrial use.
- eritmoq (pishirish jarayonida goʻshtdan yogʻni eritib olish)
As the chef cooked the pork belly, the fat slowly rendered out.
- shtukaturka qilmoq (devorga himoya yoki bezak maqsadida gʻisht qoplamasini surtish)
The workers were busy rendering the exterior wall of the new house.
ot “render”
yakka render, koʻplik renders yoki sanalmaydigan
- shtukaturka (devorlarni qoplash uchun ishlatiladigan material, odatda gʻisht yoki shtuk)
The building's facade was improved with a fresh coat of render.
- vizual tasvir (raqamli modeldan qayta ishlanib, yaratilgan tasvir)
The architect showed us a high-quality render of the proposed building.