
balloon (EN)
substantiv, verb

substantiv “balloon”

singular balloon, plural balloons
  1. balon
    The children played with colorful balloons at the birthday party.
  2. balon (cu aer cald)
    They enjoyed a hot air balloon ride over the countryside.
  3. (medicină) un dispozitiv medical introdus în corp și umflat pentru tratament
    In angioplasty, a balloon is used to open blocked blood vessels.
  4. un balon de dialog în benzi desenate sau desene animate
    The character's words appeared inside a balloon in the comic strip.
  5. pahar balon
    He sipped his cognac from a balloon by the fireplace.
  6. (finance) o plată finală mare datorată la sfârșitul termenului unui împrumut
    They planned carefully to afford the balloon at the end of their mortgage.
  7. glob
    The building was crowned with a decorative balloon.
  8. balon (de distilare)
    The chemist heated the solution in a balloon during the experiment.

verb “balloon”

infinitiv balloon; el balloons; trecut ballooned; part. trecut ballooned; ger. ballooning
  1. a se umfla
    Prices ballooned after the new tax was introduced.
  2. a zbura cu balonul
    They ballooned over the city during the festival.
  3. a umfla
    The wind ballooned the curtains as the window was open.
  4. (aviație) a se ridica brusc și apoi a coborî
    The small plane ballooned unexpectedly due to turbulence.
  5. (sport) a lovi sau a șuta o minge sus în aer
    The striker ballooned the ball over the crossbar.