
balloon (EN)
اسم، فعل

اسم “balloon”

م balloon، ج balloons
  1. بالون
    The children played with colorful balloons at the birthday party.
  2. منطاد
    They enjoyed a hot air balloon ride over the countryside.
  3. (الطب) جهاز طبي يُدخل في الجسم ويتم نفخه للعلاج
    In angioplasty, a balloon is used to open blocked blood vessels.
  4. فقاعة الكلام في القصص المصورة أو الرسوم المتحركة.
    The character's words appeared inside a balloon in the comic strip.
  5. كأس براندي
    He sipped his cognac from a balloon by the fireplace.
  6. (التمويل) دفعة نهائية كبيرة مستحقة في نهاية مدة القرض
    They planned carefully to afford the balloon at the end of their mortgage.
  7. كرة (في العمارة)
    The building was crowned with a decorative balloon.
  8. قارورة كروية (في الكيمياء)
    The chemist heated the solution in a balloon during the experiment.

فعل “balloon”

مصدر balloon؛ هو balloons؛ ماضٍ ballooned؛ مفعول ballooned؛ فاعل ballooning
  1. يتضخم
    Prices ballooned after the new tax was introduced.
  2. يسافر بالمنطاد
    They ballooned over the city during the festival.
  3. ينتفخ
    The wind ballooned the curtains as the window was open.
  4. (طيران) الارتفاع فجأة ثم الهبوط
    The small plane ballooned unexpectedly due to turbulence.
  5. (رياضة) ضرب أو ركل الكرة عالياً في الهواء
    The striker ballooned the ball over the crossbar.