noun “balloon”
Singular balloon, Plural balloons
- Ballon
Mellen Iech un, fir d'Iwwersetzungen vun den Beispillsätz an d'monolingual Definitioune vun all Wuert ze gesinn.
The children played with colorful balloons at the birthday party.
- Loftballon
They enjoyed a hot air balloon ride over the countryside.
- (Medezin) en medezinescht Gerät, dat an de Kierper agefouert an opgeblosen gëtt fir d'Behandlung.
In angioplasty, a balloon is used to open blocked blood vessels.
- eng Riedblos an de Comics oder Zeechentrickfilmer
The character's words appeared inside a balloon in the comic strip.
- Cognacsglas
He sipped his cognac from a balloon by the fireplace.
- (finance) eng grouss Schlussbezuelung déi um Enn vun enger Prêtlafzäit fälleg ass
They planned carefully to afford the balloon at the end of their mortgage.
- Kugel (op enger Kolonn oder Gebai)
The building was crowned with a decorative balloon.
- Kolben
The chemist heated the solution in a balloon during the experiment.
verb “balloon”
Infinitiv balloon; hien balloons; Verg. ballooned; Part. Verg. ballooned; Ger. ballooning
- séier wuessen
Prices ballooned after the new tax was introduced.
- mat engem Loftballon reesen
They ballooned over the city during the festival.
- opblosen wéi e Ballon
The wind ballooned the curtains as the window was open.
- (Loftfaart) séier eropgoen an dann erofgoen
The small plane ballooned unexpectedly due to turbulence.
- (sport) e Ball héich an d'Loft schloen oder trëppelen
The striker ballooned the ball over the crossbar.