
balloon (EN)
samostalnik, glagol

samostalnik “balloon”

ednina balloon, množina balloons
  1. balon (igrača ali okras)
    The children played with colorful balloons at the birthday party.
  2. balon (za letenje)
    They enjoyed a hot air balloon ride over the countryside.
  3. (medicina) medicinska naprava, vstavljena v telo in napihnjena za zdravljenje
    In angioplasty, a balloon is used to open blocked blood vessels.
  4. oblaček za govor v stripih ali risankah
    The character's words appeared inside a balloon in the comic strip.
  5. balon (kozarec za žgane pijače)
    He sipped his cognac from a balloon by the fireplace.
  6. (finance) velik končni obrok, ki zapade ob koncu obdobja posojila
    They planned carefully to afford the balloon at the end of their mortgage.
  7. balon (na vrhu stebra ali stavbe)
    The building was crowned with a decorative balloon.
  8. balon (bučka za destilacijo)
    The chemist heated the solution in a balloon during the experiment.

glagol “balloon”

nedoločnik balloon; on balloons; preteklik ballooned; deležnik preteklik ballooned; gerundij ballooning
  1. hitro narasti
    Prices ballooned after the new tax was introduced.
  2. leteti z balonom
    They ballooned over the city during the festival.
  3. napihniti (kot balon)
    The wind ballooned the curtains as the window was open.
  4. (aviacija) nenadoma vzleteti in nato spustiti
    The small plane ballooned unexpectedly due to turbulence.
  5. (šport) zadeti ali brcniti žogo visoko v zrak
    The striker ballooned the ball over the crossbar.