
hedge (EN)
substantiv, verb

substantiv “hedge”

singular hedge, plural hedges
  1. gard viu (un șir de arbuști sau copaci mici plantați aproape unul de altul, formând un gard sau o graniță)
    The farmer planted a hedge to separate his land from the neighbor's.
  2. gard viu
    The extra security measures served as a hedge against potential threats.
  3. eschivă
    His speech was full of hedges, leaving us uncertain about his plans.
  4. acoperire (o investiție sau strategie menită să reducă pierderile financiare potențiale)
    Many investors use bonds as a hedge against market downturns.

verb “hedge”

infinitiv hedge; el hedges; trecut hedged; part. trecut hedged; ger. hedging
  1. Acoperi (a se proteja împotriva pierderilor financiare prin efectuarea de tranzacții de echilibrare sau compensare)
    The company hedged against currency risks by buying foreign exchange futures.
  2. a evita (a se eschiva)
    When asked directly, she hedged and spoke about unrelated topics.
  3. a îngrădi (cu gard viu)
    They hedged their property to keep out trespassers.