salt (EN)
명사, 형용사, 동사

명사 “salt”

sg. salt, pl. salts or uncountable
  1. 소금
    She sprinkled salt on her fries to make them taste better.
  2. Table salt is a common example of a salt formed when hydrochloric acid reacts with sodium hydroxide.
  3. 암호화에서 메시지를 암호화하기 전에 해독을 더 어렵게 만들기 위해 메시지에 추가되는 추가 데이터
    Before storing passwords, the system adds a unique salt to each one to enhance security.
  4. 좌절, 분노 또는 격렬한 논쟁을 나타내는 인터넷 속어
    The comment section was full of salt after the game update nerfed everyone's favorite character.
  5. (비유적으로) 의심과 상식을 가지고 무언가를 바라볼 필요성
    When reading online reviews, it's wise to take them with a pinch of salt.

형용사 “salt”

salt, non-gradable
  1. (물의) 염분이 있는, 소금을 포함한
    The fish in the lake couldn't survive because it had turned into salt water.
  2. 소금을 사용하여 보존된 (음식)
    The fisherman prepared salt fish to last through the winter.
  3. 바닷물에 잠긴 (토지, 들판 등)
    The salt fields near the coast are often covered with seawater during high tide.

동사 “salt”

salt; he salts; past salted, part. salted; ger. salting
  1. 소금을 뿌리다
    She carefully salted the popcorn before serving it.
  2. 음식이 상하지 않도록 소금을 사용하다
    They salted the meat to keep it from spoiling.
  3. 무엇인가를 다른 것에 걸쳐서 조금씩 추가하다
    She salted her speech with humorous anecdotes to keep the audience engaged.
  4. 암호화하기 전에 메시지에 추가 데이터를 넣어 해독을 더 어렵게 만들다
    Before storing the passwords, the system salts them to enhance security against hackers.