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book (EN)

名词 “book”

book,复 books
  1. 出版的文字作品
    She downloaded a book to read on her tablet during the flight.
  2. 书(一组物理页面沿一侧捆绑在一起)
    He placed the book on the table and started flipping through the pages.
  3. 长篇文本的重要章节(例如圣经中的“卷”)
    The novel was divided into three books, each focusing on a different phase of the protagonist's life.
  4. 赌注记录
    He keeps a detailed book on all the football bets he makes throughout the season.
  5. (比喻意义上的)可以学习的来源
    For many, nature is a book from which we can learn about life's complexities.
  6. 当前对国际象棋开局或残局的了解
    His opponent tried an opening that took him outside the book.

动词 “book”

不定式 book; 三单 books; 过式 booked; 过分 booked; 动名 booking
  1. 预订
    She booked tickets for the concert next month.
  2. 正式记录(某人违法的细节)
    After the fight at the bar, the officers booked her for assault.
  3. 在体育比赛中对运动员进行正式警告
    The referee booked the player for a rough tackle, showing him a yellow card.
  4. 作为一名博彩公司的工作人员记录赌注
    At the horse races, he booked bets for all the major contenders.
  5. (非正式,法学生俚语)在课程中获得最高分
    Sarah was thrilled to find out she had booked her torts exam, outperforming the entire class.