fiil “transfer”
infinitive transfer; ol transfers; geçmiş wagty transferred; geçmiş part. transferred; ger. transferring
- geçirmek
Hasaba alyň, mysal sözlemleriň terjimelerini we her bir sözüň bir dilli düşündirişlerini görmek üçin.
She transferred the files from the cabinet to her desk.
- çalşmak (ulag ýa-da ugur)
Passengers must transfer at the next station to get to the airport.
- geçirmek (maglumat, faýl ýa-da surat)
He transferred the photos from his phone to his computer.
- geçirmek (başga birine resmi taýdan)
They transferred the house to their son.
- iş, mekdep ýa-da ýer üýtgetmek üçin göçmek
She decided transfer to the company's New York office.
- (medisin) maýyp arabasyndan başga bir oturgyja ýa-da ýere geçmek
The patient can transfer from the bed to the wheelchair with assistance.
at sözi “transfer”
ýeketäk transfer, köplük transfers ýa-da sanalmaýan
- geçirmek (hereket)
The transfer of data between the computers took several hours.
- geçiş
The transfer of the items from one office to another went smoothly.
- geçiş (adamynyň işini ýa-da mekdebini üýtgetmek hereketi)
His transfer to the London branch came as a surprise.
- üýtgeşme (syýahat wagtynda bir ulagdan ýa-da ugurdan başga birine geçmek hereketi)
There's a quick transfer between flights in Chicago.
- geçiş petegi
She asked the driver for a transfer to use on the next bus.
- geçýän talyp
As a transfer, he had to adjust to the new school's curriculum.
- geçýän oýunçy
The team announced the transfer of their star player to a rival club.