
transfer (EN)
глагол, именица

глагол “transfer”

infinitiv transfer; on transfers; prošlo vreme transferred; prošli part. transferred; ger. transferring
  1. преместити
    She transferred the files from the cabinet to her desk.
  2. преседати
    Passengers must transfer at the next station to get to the airport.
  3. пренети
    He transferred the photos from his phone to his computer.
  4. пренети (власништво)
    They transferred the house to their son.
  5. preći na drugi posao, školu ili lokaciju
    She decided transfer to the company's New York office.
  6. (медицина) прећи из инвалидских колица на другу столицу или површину
    The patient can transfer from the bed to the wheelchair with assistance.

именица “transfer”

јединствени transfer, множина transfers или небројив
  1. премештање
    The transfer of data between the computers took several hours.
  2. премештај
    The transfer of the items from one office to another went smoothly.
  3. прелазак (чин промене посла или школе)
    His transfer to the London branch came as a surprise.
  4. преседање (чин промене са једног возила или руте на другу током путовања)
    There's a quick transfer between flights in Chicago.
  5. преседачка карта
    She asked the driver for a transfer to use on the next bus.
  6. прелазни студент
    As a transfer, he had to adjust to the new school's curriculum.
  7. трансфер (играча)
    The team announced the transfer of their star player to a rival club.