hint (EN)
ot, feʼl

ot “hint”

sg. hint, pl. hints or uncountable
  1. yordamchi ma'lumot
    The teacher gave us a subtle hint about what would be on the test.
  2. bilvosita taklif (ishorat qilish orqali)
    Without saying it outright, her glance at my untied shoelaces was a clear hint to fix them before I tripped.
  3. juda oz miqdor (belgi sifatida)
    She noticed a hint of mint in the chocolate, enhancing its flavor.
  4. kompyuter ekranida biror narsa ustiga sichqonchaning ko'rsatkichi olib borilganda paydo bo'ladigan foydali ma'lumot
    When you hover over the icon, a hint appears explaining its function.
  5. raqamli shriftlarning ekranlarda eng yaxshi ko'rinishini ta'minlash uchun yordam beruvchi ko'rsatmalar
    To improve the readability of text on low-resolution screens, the designer carefully adjusted the hints in the digital font.
  6. ma'lumotlarni qayta olishning eng yaxshi usulini kompyuterga maslahat berish
    To speed up the search, the developer added a hint to the query, suggesting the database use a specific index.

feʼl “hint”

hint; he hints; past hinted, part. hinted; ger. hinting
  1. bilvosita taklif qilmoq (ishorat qilmoq)
    He hinted that he might visit us next month.
  2. raqamli shriftning ekranlarda ko'rinishini tafsilotlarini sozlash orqali yaxshilamoq
    After designing his font, he spent hours hinting it to ensure its readability on various digital devices.