pridjev “red”
red, komp. redder, sup. reddest
- crven
Prijavite se da biste vidjeli prijevode primjernih rečenica i jednojezične definicije svake riječi.
He picked a ripe, red apple from the tree.
- riđ
The pretty girl had red hair and freckles.
- crven u licu (zbog ljutnje, sramote ili stida)
When she realized everyone was staring, she turned red with embarrassment.
- crven (u igrama s kartama, pripada srcima ili karo)
In our game of cards, all my red cards were diamonds, giving me a strong hand.
- crven (u kontekstu ljevičarskih, uglavnom socijalističkih ili komunističkih, političkih stranaka i pokreta)
During the Cold War, anyone suspected of being red was closely monitored by government agencies.
- crven (u kontekstu politike SAD, povezan s Republikanskom strankom)
Wyoming is an example of a red state.
imenica “red”
jednina red, množina reds ili nebrojivo
- crvena
The dress she wore was a vibrant shade of red, making her stand out in the crowd.
- crveni (osoba koja podržava revolucionarni socijalizam ili komunizam, posebno boljševik)
During the Cold War, the Reds were closely monitored by the government.
- crno vino (napravljeno od tamnih sorti grožđa)
At the dinner party, we had a choice between reds and whites, so I chose a red.
- crvena kugla (u snukeru, jedna od 15 crvenih kugli koje se boduju drugačije od kugli u boji)
In his next shot, he aimed for a red near the corner pocket.