red (EN)
прилагателно, съществително име

прилагателно “red”

red, redder, reddest
  1. червен
    He picked a ripe, red apple from the tree.
  2. риж (за коса)
    The pretty girl had red hair and freckles.
  3. зачервен (от срам, гняв или смущение)
    When she realized everyone was staring, she turned red with embarrassment.
  4. червен (в карти, принадлежащ към купа или каро)
    In our game of cards, all my red cards were diamonds, giving me a strong hand.
  5. червен (за леви, предимно социалистически или комунистически, политически партии и движения)
    During the Cold War, anyone suspected of being red was closely monitored by government agencies.
  6. червен (в контекста на политиката в САЩ, асоцииран с Републиканската партия)
    Wyoming is an example of a red state.

съществително име “red”

sg. red, pl. reds or uncountable
  1. червено (цветът)
    The dress she wore was a vibrant shade of red, making her stand out in the crowd.
  2. червен (поддръжник на революционен социализъм или комунизъм, особено болшевик)
    During the Cold War, the Reds were closely monitored by the government.
  3. червено вино
    At the dinner party, we had a choice between reds and whites, so I chose a red.
  4. червена топка (в снукър)
    In his next shot, he aimed for a red near the corner pocket.