red (EN)
sifat, ot

sifat “red”

red, redder, reddest
  1. qon yoki gilos rangiga o'xshash
    He picked a ripe, red apple from the tree.
  2. sarg'ish-jigarrang yoki sarg'ish-sariq soch rangi
    The pretty girl had red hair and freckles.
  3. g'azablanish, uyat yoki sharmandalikdan yuzi qizargan
    When she realized everyone was staring, she turned red with embarrassment.
  4. karta o'yinlarida yurak yoki olmos mastlariga tegishli
    In our game of cards, all my red cards were diamonds, giving me a strong hand.
  5. asosan sotsialist yoki kommunistik, siyosiy partiyalar va harakatlarni anglatuvchi
    During the Cold War, anyone suspected of being red was closely monitored by government agencies.
  6. AQSh siyosatida Respublikan Partiyasi bilan bog'liq
    Wyoming is an example of a red state.

ot “red”

sg. red, pl. reds or uncountable
  1. yorug'lik to'lqini uzunligi taxminan 625–740 nm oralig'ida bo'lganda ko'riladigan rang
    The dress she wore was a vibrant shade of red, making her stand out in the crowd.
  2. inqilobiy sotsializm yoki kommunizmni qo'llab-quvvatlovchi shaxs, ayniqsa, bol'shevik
    During the Cold War, the Reds were closely monitored by the government.
  3. qoramtir uzum navlaridan tayyorlangan vino
    At the dinner party, we had a choice between reds and whites, so I chose a red.
  4. snukerda rangli to'plardan farqli o'laroq hisoblangan 15 ta qizil to'p
    In his next shot, he aimed for a red near the corner pocket.