give (EN)
verb, substantiv

verb “give”

give; he gives; past gave, part. given; ger. giving
  1. a da
    She gave her friend the keys to her apartment.
  2. a oferi
    For Christmas, he gave his daughter a brand new bicycle.
  3. a face (o promisiune)
    She gave her promise to attend every meeting without fail.
  4. a acorda (permisiunea)
    The library gives access to students even on weekends.
  5. a provoca (un sentiment)
    The movie gave the audience a sense of awe with its stunning visuals.
  6. a efectua (o acțiune care implică atingerea sau interacțiunea cu altcineva)
    She gave him a gentle pat on the back.
  7. a încredința (ceva cuiva)
    She gave the book to the librarian across the counter.
  8. a infecta
    The infected mosquito gave her malaria when it bit her.
  9. a administra (un medicament sau tratament)
    The nurse gave the patient his antibiotics at the scheduled time.
  10. a estima
    I give her a 90% chance of winning the match.
  11. a ceda (sub presiune)
    As the crowd pushed against the barricade, it finally gave, and people spilled forward onto the field.
  12. a avea (o ieșire sau intrare care duce într-un anumit loc)
    The living room gives into a cozy sunlit conservatory.
  13. a produce (o anumită sumă ca rezultat al unui calcul)
    10 apples divided by 5 people gives 2 apples per person.
  14. a fi făcut să (în pasiv, pentru a indica cauzalitatea)
    She was given to believe that the meeting had been canceled.
  15. a insufla (o calitate sau sentiment)
    The movie gave me the impression that the hero would survive in the end.
  16. a recunoaște (un punct într-o argumentare)
    She's not the best at time management, I'll give her that, but her dedication to the project is unmatched.
  17. a exprima (un mesaj, opinie sau decizie)
    After much deliberation, the judge gave her verdict: guilty on all counts.
  18. a se dedica (unei sarcini sau scopului)
    She gave herself to studying for the exam, ensuring she understood every topic thoroughly.

substantiv “give”

sg. give, uncountable
  1. flexibilitatea (sau capacitatea de a se îndoi sau întinde sub presiune)
    The bridge was designed with just enough give to withstand strong winds without breaking.