give (EN)
verbe, nom

verbe “give”

give; he gives; past gave, part. given; ger. giving
  1. donner
    She gave her friend the keys to her apartment.
  2. offrir
    For Christmas, he gave his daughter a brand new bicycle.
  3. faire (une promesse ou un engagement)
    She gave her promise to attend every meeting without fail.
  4. accorder (l'autorisation)
    The library gives access to students even on weekends.
  5. susciter (un sentiment ou une réaction)
    The movie gave the audience a sense of awe with its stunning visuals.
  6. effectuer (une action impliquant un contact ou une interaction avec quelqu'un)
    She gave him a gentle pat on the back.
  7. remettre
    She gave the book to the librarian across the counter.
  8. contaminer (avec une maladie)
    The infected mosquito gave her malaria when it bit her.
  9. administrer (un médicament ou un traitement)
    The nurse gave the patient his antibiotics at the scheduled time.
  10. estimer
    I give her a 90% chance of winning the match.
  11. céder (sous la pression)
    As the crowd pushed against the barricade, it finally gave, and people spilled forward onto the field.
  12. donner sur (avoir une entrée ou une sortie qui mène à un endroit particulier)
    The living room gives into a cozy sunlit conservatory.
  13. produire (un certain montant comme résultat d'un calcul)
    10 apples divided by 5 people gives 2 apples per person.
  14. amener à (être utilisé dans la forme passive pour causer ou rendre avec un infinitif)
    She was given to believe that the meeting had been canceled.
  15. inspirer (une qualité ou un sentiment particulier)
    The movie gave me the impression that the hero would survive in the end.
  16. concéder (un point dans un argument)
    She's not the best at time management, I'll give her that, but her dedication to the project is unmatched.
  17. exprimer (un message, une opinion ou une décision)
    After much deliberation, the judge gave her verdict: guilty on all counts.
  18. se consacrer (à une tâche ou un but)
    She gave herself to studying for the exam, ensuring she understood every topic thoroughly.

nom “give”

sg. give, uncountable
  1. la souplesse (la capacité de se plier ou de s'étirer sous la pression)
    The bridge was designed with just enough give to withstand strong winds without breaking.