فعل مساعد “would”
would, 'd, negative wouldn't
- يدل على صيغة الشرط
سجّل لرؤية ترجمات الجمل المثال والتعريفات الأحادية لكل كلمة.
If she found her lost necklace, she would be so happy.
- يعبر عن اللباقة، الاقتراح
I would like to know if you're free to meet tomorrow.
- يسأل بأدب إذا كان شخص ما مستعدًا لفعل شيء
Would you mind opening the window?
- يقدم النصائح بذكر ما سيفعله المتحدث في نفس الموقف.
What will you do? To be honest, I would apologize to her immediately.
- يشير إلى حدث أو موقف مستقبلي من منظور الماضي.
He never knew that he would find his dream job in a small town he visited on a whim.
- يصف فعلاً كان يتم بانتظام في الماضي.
Every evening after dinner, my grandfather would tell us stories of his childhood adventures.
- يُظهر عزم شخص قوي على فعل شيء
Despite the heavy rain, he would walk to work every day.
- يُشير إلى ما من المحتمل أن يفعله شخص ما استنادًا إلى شخصيته
He wouldn't miss a soccer game; he's been a fan since he was five.
- يُظهر اعتقاد المتحدث أو فرضيته حول ما قام به شخص آخر أو ما كان سيقوم به.
She's a great cook, so she would know how to make the perfect pie.