like (EN)
глагол, именка, придавка, сојузник, предлог, честичка

глагол “like”

like; he likes; past liked, part. liked; ger. liking
  1. сака
    I like ice cream on a hot day.
  2. обично прави
    She likes jogging before breakfast.
  3. ми се допаѓа (во контекст на привлеченост или уживање во друштво)
    He likes her more than she realizes.
  4. лајкува
    Everyone liked the viral video of the dancing dog.
  5. посакува
    Would you like some tea?
  6. има склоност (често се користи хумористички за неодушевени предмети)
    My old car likes to break down at the worst possible times.
  7. функционира добро (често се користи за технологија)
    My printer doesn't like this brand of recycled paper.

именка “like”

sg. like, pl. likes or uncountable
  1. преференци
    His likes include hiking and playing the guitar.
  2. лајк (симбол)
    Her post got a hundred likes overnight.
  3. и слично
    The store offers various gadgets, widgets, and the like.
  4. ист удар (во голф)
    She needed to play the like to stay in the game.

придавка “like”

like, non-gradable
  1. сличен
    We have like interests in music and art.

сојузник “like”

  1. како да
    It's like you've read my mind!

предлог “like”

  1. потсетува на
    His writing style is like Hemingway's.
  2. карактеристично за
    That's just like Tim to arrive fashionably late.
  3. околу (за количина или степен)
    The repair costs were like a hundred dollars.
  4. на ист начин како
    She sings like an angel.
  5. како на пример
    Artificial intelligence is being developed by companies like Microsoft or Google.
  6. што е со
    So you met her brother? What's he like?

честичка “like”

  1. како (за изразување приближност, неизвесност или нагласување)
    There were, like, a thousand people at the concert.
  2. како (за воведување на пренесен говор или мисла)
    She was like, "Come over!" and I was like, "I can't, I'm busy."