darbības vārds “slip”
infinitīvs slip; viņš slips; pag. slipped; pag. divd. slipped; ģer. slipping
- paslīdēt
Reģistrējieties, lai redzētu piemēru teikumu tulkojumus un vienvalodas definīcijas katram vārdam.
After the rain, many people slipped on the wet pavement.
- ielavīties
The cat slipped through the open door and vanished into the night.
- izlavīties
The spy slipped past the guards undetected.
- iedot (slepeni)
He slipped the letter under her door before leaving.
- samazināties
Sales have slipped this quarter due to the economic downturn.
- izpļāpāties
He almost slipped and told her about the surprise.
lietvārds “slip”
viensk. slip, daudzsk. slips
- kļūda
A slip of the tongue led to the surprise being revealed.
- paslīdēšana
Her slip on the icy pavement resulted in a broken wrist.
- lapiņa
He handed her a slip with his address on it.
- kombinē (apakšveļa)
She put on a silk slip before wearing the evening gown.
- vieta, kur var piestāt laiva vai kuģis; piestātne
The fishing boat returned to its slip after a long day at sea.
- spraudenis vai dzinums, kas ņemts no auga
She planted slips from her favorite rose bush in her garden.
- (kriketā) laukuma pozīcija tuvu aiz sitēja
The fielder at slip caught the edged shot.