
slip (EN)
глагол, именка

глагол “slip”

инфинитив slip; тој slips; мин. вр. slipped; мин. прид. slipped; гер. slipping
  1. лизне
    After the rain, many people slipped on the wet pavement.
  2. провлече
    The cat slipped through the open door and vanished into the night.
  3. избега (незабележано)
    The spy slipped past the guards undetected.
  4. подметне
    He slipped the letter under her door before leaving.
  5. опадне
    Sales have slipped this quarter due to the economic downturn.
  6. издаде (тајна)
    He almost slipped and told her about the surprise.

именка “slip”

едн. slip, мн. slips
  1. грешка
    A slip of the tongue led to the surprise being revealed.
  2. лизгање
    Her slip on the icy pavement resulted in a broken wrist.
  3. ливче
    He handed her a slip with his address on it.
  4. комбинезон
    She put on a silk slip before wearing the evening gown.
  5. место каде што може да се врзе чамец или брод; лежиште
    The fishing boat returned to its slip after a long day at sea.
  6. резница или изданок земен од растение
    She planted slips from her favorite rose bush in her garden.
  7. (во крикет) позиција за фаќање блиску зад играчот со палка
    The fielder at slip caught the edged shot.