lietvārds “bridge”
viensk. bridge, daudzsk. bridges
- tilts
Reģistrējieties, lai redzētu piemēru teikumu tulkojumus un vienvalodas definīcijas katram vārdam.
The old stone bridge was built over the river centuries ago.
- Tilts (paaugstināta platforma uz kuģa, kur kapteinis un virsnieki vada kuģi)
The captain gave orders from the bridge as the ship approached the harbor.
- Deguna tilts (daļa no deguna starp acīm)
She adjusted her glasses on the bridge of her nose.
- Stīgulājs (mūzikā, daļa uz stīgu instrumenta, kas atbalsta stīgas)
He replaced the bridge on his guitar to improve the sound quality.
- tilts (zobārstniecībā)
After the accident, she needed a dental bridge to restore her smile.
- līdzeklis savienošanai vai pārejai starp dažādām lietām vai vietām
The discussion forum serves as a bridge between the two communities.
- tilts (biljards, snūkers, atbalsts, kas izveidots ar roku vai ierīce, lai stabilizētu kiju)
He formed a bridge with his hand before taking the shot.
darbības vārds “bridge”
infinitīvs bridge; viņš bridges; pag. bridged; pag. divd. bridged; ģer. bridging
- būvēt tiltu
Engineers plan to bridge the river to connect the two villages.
- savienot
The initiative aims to bridge the differences between the two organizations.
- (sakaru jomā) savienot divus vai vairākus tīklus vai ierīces
The technician bridged the computers to share files easily.
lietvārds “bridge”
vienskaitlis bridge, neskaitāms
- Bridžs (kāršu spēle četriem spēlētājiem divās komandās, kur partneri sadarbojas, lai iegūtu stiķus)
They enjoy playing bridge every Thursday evening.