
bridge (EN)
ot, feʼl, ot

ot “bridge”

birlik bridge, koʻplik bridges
  1. ko'prik
    The old stone bridge was built over the river centuries ago.
  2. Koʻprik (kapitan va ofitserlar kemani boshqaradigan koʻtarilgan platforma)
    The captain gave orders from the bridge as the ship approached the harbor.
  3. Burun ko'prigi (ko'zlar orasidagi burun qismi)
    She adjusted her glasses on the bridge of her nose.
  4. Koʻprik (musiqada, torli cholgʻu asbobida torlarni ushlab turadigan qism)
    He replaced the bridge on his guitar to improve the sound quality.
  5. protez tish
    After the accident, she needed a dental bridge to restore her smile.
  6. Turli narsalar yoki joylar o'rtasida bog'lanish yoki o'tish vositasi.
    The discussion forum serves as a bridge between the two communities.
  7. tayanch (bilyard, snuker, qo'l bilan yoki tayoqni barqarorlashtirish uchun moslama bilan yaratilgan tayanch)
    He formed a bridge with his hand before taking the shot.

feʼl “bridge”

infinitive bridge; u bridges; oʻtgan zamon bridged; oʻtgan zamon part. bridged; ger. bridging
  1. ko'prik qurmoq
    Engineers plan to bridge the river to connect the two villages.
  2. bog'lamoq (ikki narsani birlashtirib, oradagi masofani qisqartirmoq)
    The initiative aims to bridge the differences between the two organizations.
  3. (kompyuterda) ikki yoki undan ortiq tarmoqlar yoki qurilmalarni ulash
    The technician bridged the computers to share files easily.

ot “bridge”

yakka bridge, sanalmas
  1. Bridge (to'rt o'yinchi uchun ikkita jamoada o'ynaladigan karta o'yini, bu yerda sheriklar birgalikda hiyla ishlatib g'alaba qozonishga harakat qilishadi)
    They enjoy playing bridge every Thursday evening.