
bridge (EN)
imenica, glagol, imenica

imenica “bridge”

jednina bridge, množina bridges
  1. most
    The old stone bridge was built over the river centuries ago.
  2. komandni most (povišena platforma na brodu gdje kapetan i oficiri upravljaju plovilom)
    The captain gave orders from the bridge as the ship approached the harbor.
  3. Korijen nosa (dio nosa između očiju)
    She adjusted her glasses on the bridge of her nose.
  4. kobilica (u muzici, dio na gudačkom instrumentu koji podupire žice)
    He replaced the bridge on his guitar to improve the sound quality.
  5. most (u stomatologiji)
    After the accident, she needed a dental bridge to restore her smile.
  6. sredstvo povezivanja ili prijelaza između različitih stvari ili mjesta
    The discussion forum serves as a bridge between the two communities.
  7. most, bilijar, snuker, potpora napravljena rukom ili uređaj za stabilizaciju štapa
    He formed a bridge with his hand before taking the shot.

glagol “bridge”

infinitiv bridge; on bridges; prošlo vrijeme bridged; prošli part. bridged; ger. bridging
  1. premostiti
    Engineers plan to bridge the river to connect the two villages.
  2. povezati
    The initiative aims to bridge the differences between the two organizations.
  3. (u računarstvu) povezati dvije ili više mreža ili uređaja
    The technician bridged the computers to share files easily.

imenica “bridge”

jednina bridge, nebrojivo
  1. bridž (kartaška igra za četiri igrača u dva tima, gdje partneri rade zajedno kako bi osvojili štihove)
    They enjoy playing bridge every Thursday evening.