go (EN)
verb, noun, adjective, noun

verb “go”

go; he goes; past went, part. gone; ger. going
  1. to move through space
    I'll go to the store for some milk.
  2. to move or travel through time
    In the story, they went forward in time to see the future.
  3. to navigate within digital environments
    Can you go to the settings menu and adjust the volume?
  4. to move a specific distance or in a specific manner
    The athlete went the entire length of the field in seconds.
  5. to move or travel to engage in an activity
    Let's go shopping this afternoon.
  6. to depart from a place
    It's late; I must go now.
  7. to operate or function correctly
    My old watch goes perfectly after the repair.
  8. to initiate an action or process
    The race will go at the sound of the buzzer.
  9. to take a turn in a game
    In chess, white goes first.
  10. to be present at an event or location regularly
    I go to the gym.
  11. used to express the manner in which something proceeds
    The interview went smoothly.
  12. (colloquial) to proceed to do something, often impulsively
    He went and spilled coffee on his new shirt.
  13. to follow a specific course or path
    If we go this way, we'll reach the park.
  14. to extend from one point to another
    The fence goes from the house to the barn.
  15. to provide a route to a place
    This path goes directly to the old mill.
  16. to change into a particular state, often negative
    Leave the fish out too long, and it will go bad.
  17. to be in a state
    The plants will go thirsty without rain.
  18. to transition into a particular state or condition
    The company plans to go public next year.
  19. to change from one state or condition to another
    The stock prices went from $10 to $15 in a day.
  20. to have a particular outcome
    The project went better than expected.
  21. to have a tendency toward a certain result
    That goes to show you!
  22. to contribute to a specific end or result
    Hard work and determination go to make a successful career.
  23. to elapse, to pass
    We had fun, so the time went fast.
  24. to cease to exist or be in use
    The storm went as quickly as it came.
  25. to be consumed or used up
    His patience went after hours of waiting.
  26. to pass away or die
    I'm sorry to say that your pet fish has gone.
  27. to break or fail under pressure
    The old bridge could go under the weight of the truck.
  28. to deteriorate or decay
    The paint on the walls is going after years of sunlight exposure.
  29. to be sold for a certain price
    The painting went for a record price at the auction.
  30. to be thrown away or removed
    This broken computer has to go; it's taking up too much space.
  31. to be allocated or given to someone
    The family fortune will go to the eldest child.
  32. to endure for a specific time
    This car can go another 50,000 miles easily.
  33. to have a particular performance record
    The team has gone 3-0 in the playoffs.
  34. to be authoritative or accepted without question
    In this office, what the manager says goes.
  35. to be permissible or allowed
    In this creative workspace, any idea goes.
  36. to be considered valid or true
    The same rules go for everyone in the class.
  37. to express verbally
    She goes, "Can you believe it?" and I'm like, "No way!"
  38. to emit a specific sound
    The cows go "moo" on the farm.
  39. to make a sound
    I woke up just before the alarm clock went.
  40. to be phrased or articulated in a certain way
    The poem goes something like "Roses are red, violets are blue..."
  41. to resort to
    If negotiations fail, we'll go to arbitration.
  42. to make an effort or endure something
    He went to great lengths to ensure the event was a success.
  43. to consider or ponder something thoroughly
    I've gone through the proposal several times and it looks good.
  44. to fit through or into a space
    This couch will never go up the narrow staircase.
  45. to match or be suitable with something else
    Your tie doesn't go with your shirt.
  46. to have a proper place or position
    The cutlery goes in the top drawer.
  47. to be romantically involved
    They've been going out for two years now.
  48. to engage in a confrontation or fight
    He's ready to go anyone who challenges him.
  49. to be typical or usual
    As far as apartments go, this one is fairly priced.
  50. to share or divide something equally
    We can go halves on the pizza if you like.
  51. to have a certain weight or yield
    The cotton bales go a ton each.
  52. to bid or offer a certain amount of money
    I can go $200 on the antique vase.
  53. to desire or wish for something
    After work, I could really go a cold drink.
  54. to need to use the bathroom
    Excuse me, I really need to go.
  55. to express support or encouragement
    Go, team, go! Win that game!

noun “go”

sg. go, pl. goes or uncountable
  1. a turn at something, such as in a game
    It's my go on the chessboard now.
  2. an effort or attempt to do something
    I'll give fixing this old radio a go.
  3. approval or permission for action
    The project is a go once we get the green light from the boss.
  4. the act or instance of something functioning
    The goes of the machine were smooth and consistent.
  5. the current style or trend
    Wearing top hats was quite the go in the 19th century.
  6. (dated) a lively celebration or party
    The party was a high go, with music and dancing all night.
  7. (slang) a measure of alcoholic drink
    He ordered a go of whiskey to warm himself up.
  8. a serving or portion of something
    I had a go of the new ice cream flavor.
  9. the capacity or drive to be active or effective
    He's lost all his go and just sits around all day.
  10. a continuous or uninterrupted session of activity
    He finished the puzzle in one go.

adjective “go”

go, non-gradable
  1. ready and functioning properly, cleared for action
    The spacecraft is go for launch.

noun “go”

sg. go, uncountable
  1. a board game where players aim to control territory with their pieces
    They played go for hours, deeply focused on the strategy.